How do I get rid of these fractals?

Somehow I keep getting these strange fractals after building the light. How do I get rid of them to get a real smooth surface? The model is an fbx exportet from Cinema 4d. It is light by several point-lights on the ceiling.

Can you upload an image of the UV for the lightmap and the light map resolution?

Those look like z-fighting(caused by faces sitting on top of other faces, which can only be solved in your modeling software) combined with overlapping UV’s and low lightmap resolution. It would help if you can post wireframe and UV layout screenshots.

Here’s the UV of the Texture

And here the UV of the Lightmap:

And here the Wireframe:

thanks a lot guys!

Looks like the problem is lightmap UV’s only. You’ll need to remake them in your modeling software because you wont get clean shadows with this layout even with higher resolutions. :\

ok thats something, but what exactly would I have to change about it? Whats the problem with the actual Layout?

They are too tiny, too close to each other and are split up in such a way that pixels of the lightmap wouldnt line up properly and cause shadow bleeding.
In 3ds Max, for a shape like this first i would do the unwrapping before twisting the mesh. That way you still have cubical UV’s and consistent texture flow.

I would separate out your mesh into three individual twisty things. One that twist at the top, top middle, and middle. Then unwrap it the uv. I’m assuming that you don’t know how. That’s fine. Use the editors uv generator in the mesh editor. It’s down and dirt but it’s fast and it works. Then using the three twists remake your wavy thing. Use the right click and use the mirror transform also. Your results will look even better. Need help hit me back up.

GOT IT! I just figured out that I could use the original UVS coming from the Rhino-model! I just had to rearange them a bit in Cinema and yeah, now it works just fine! Hooray! Thank you guys for all your help, I learned a lot!