Undo after removing "Reroute Pins" will cause them to return as Wildcards

If you place Reroute node, that does not have next (right) connection, remove it by pressing Delete, and then Undo removing, reroute pin will return as wildcard.


You can make really weird sequences because of that:


Moreover, such logic will compile and work in some cases:


To reproduce:

  1. Drag a wire from any output pin
  2. Chose “Reroute node” from context
  3. Remove this pin you just created
  4. Press Ctrl + Z (Or Edit > Undo).
    Reroute node will appear as Wildcard
    and you can drag any node from it.

Note, that this bug appears when reroute node is connected only from left side (input).

Array nodes have same issue. You can drag some array function from Array type (Like Get, Add, Find), remove and Undo. Reproduce process is same.



Thank you!

Hi AIFlakky,

Thanks for report, but we’ve already got a bug report for wildcard rerouters (UE-6339). I’ll add your notes to report and let you know if I see any update on it. Thanks!