Box collision component not detecting other Box collision components

I’m trying to spawn a room procedurally using room tiles that are built up by creating a box collision component for each, then adding a sprite component, then checking for neighbouring tiles in order to select an appropriate sprite for the tile.

This is done in the construction script.

However, when running the construction script (compiling, dragging the object spawning the tiles, etc.), the box collisions don’t seem to be finding each other.

The tiles are 50x50x10 (X x Z x Y - 2D game) but even with the collision checking for components in a 500x500x500 area, there are no results.

Here’s some screenshots.

Spawning the collision volumes and adding a sprite

Calling the collision function. As you can see, I dramatically upped the box extent for testing.

Collision function

Debug text and tiles indicate no collision is taking place

I’ve tried removing the ‘Ignore Actors: Self’ option from the collision, and then the box collisions correctly detect themselves. But never each other.

Boxes colliding with themselves (Ignore Actors: Self pin removed)

It is correct that I never use the ‘Neighbours found’ pin that references the components found in the collision check. I added it for if I’d need it for some reason, but I don’t right now.