iOS turn-based multiplayer?

Greetings AnswerHub gods!

Is there any reference or tutorial on how to use the new(?) turn-based multiplayer mode on blueprints? How can I make a Game Center ready game? (Where do I start?? And/or can I do it with only blueprints?

You’ll need to enable multiplayer in your engine ini files, I’m away from my machine but look for online subsystem documentation.

You’ll need to setup an app profile with apple with the game centre enabled (

No idea how far you are along but start by getting an app up and running on an iOS device and take it from there!

So, what I have so far is a blueprints only, turn based local multiplayer running on iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) that I hope to release someday soon! I have played with replication for online games, but what I need to understand is how to, in a very basic form, set up GameCenter and send the “turn information” to a second device through blueprints (if possible).

I get this is unrelated to replication but I can’t seem to find what I’m looking for under the documentation. Please help?

Can anyone help me with some steps to get this working?
Game is running on iPad and i wanna get turn based multiplayer working (currently on local). How do I set up gamecenter access with blueprints?


Your out of my safe zone but here are the steps I would take if you are still in a vacuum.

  1. enable Game Center in your project settings

  2. go to and enable the Game Center for your project (this is all Apple not unreal)

  3. enable the IOS online subsystem in default engine.ini

  4. look up how to get two clients in the same session (keywords - matchmaking, find session, host, client, LAN, server)

  5. look up how to send a reliable message between your clients and how to receive it (TCP/IP, messaging, reliable)

  6. take a deep breath, the starting setup to multiplayer development is often a bit tricky but once you are working on actual gameplay it gets way more interesting, and difficult!

If there is some turn based code that’s cool for you as keeping clients in sync through gameplay progress is not entirely trivial but at the end of the day it’s not that complicated either (lots of borderline what happens if client a drops while situation b is happening stumbling blocks) so if you’ve got some nice in order reliable messaging system you are away!

My guess would be some good samples are lying around for all this.

Good luck :slight_smile:

Up to point 4 is clear, then its where i cant find answers (maybe not looking hard enough?)

So, to be more specific, how can i send (push notification) game data to a deice? Do i have to have my own server that does this? can I get a phone to send the game data (turn info) to the second device? is this handled through apple? how do i set this up? what is the “turn based node” for? how does one use it?

I can currently play the game sending the info to a specific ip (pc to pc in real time as a server/ client) but what if i want to be able to have multiple games (a la draw something) and have the game send the data to a specific game on a phone?

I know this is complicated but i’m an artist working solely on blueprints and this has been incredible so far, just wish i could figure all of this somehow.

I mean the concepts and theory of this. :wink: