How to not require DirectX?

I’m making a video game in UE4. I packaged the project for Windows, and it worked fine on my dev machine. However, when I tried to run the game on another machine, it would not launch, saying that it required DirectX.

Is there a way to configure the project so that it does not require DirectX? Or, is there a way to include a “portable” copy of DirectX with the game? This game is required to not install anything on the end user’s computer.

Any ideas?

EDIT: Basically what I want to do is FORCE the executable to use OpenGL instead of DirectX.

Is there some way to have UE4 use OpenGL in the packaged game instead of DirectX?

Every game needs a Graphics API. I don’t know if you are allowed to include a portable version.
Every game requires something to install I think.

Every game needs a Graphics API. I don’t know if you are allowed to include a portable version.
Every game requires something to install I think.

Only if you go through C++ and make it so I’d think.

You rewrite the engine to use OpenGL.

So… how exactly do you do that?