Control two characters, fighting game

I am having some problems getting two characters to move in a fighting game I’m making.
The first one is seemingly tied to the load-out settings. This is kind of annoying (I dont know how to delete the jump animation and, change the standing/running animation OR what input they take)

To make it worse I am trying to make a mirror of the 1st player character for the second player character.
This is going badly to say the least.

I want the first player to use WASD and the second to use arrow keys
I also am trying to get them to have different health and stamina bars…

Any help is very appreciated. THANKS

Try find your Character Blueprints. You can change a lot of things in there.

Have a look at the Input settings (Settings > Project Settings > Input). There, you can define the different key bindings in there. Then add the generated input events to your characters’ EventGraph and add your movement code there.

I’d recommend following a tutorial explaining the basics. The 3rd Person Game with Blueprints (v4.8) sounds helpful: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

You’ll want at least the sections on “Setting up Inputs” and “Keyboard and Mouse Controls”, but they probably won’t make sense if you haven’t seen the other parts. If you’re new to Unreal, watching these tutorials is extremely helpful even if you won’t need all of it.