Lightmap is too big on instanced foliage meshes

When I build lighting, I get this message. How could I fix it? It’s talking about the foliage I added to the level. Do I lower the LightMap from 64 to anything lower? Is this a big problem?

For instanced meshes it’s better to use lower lightmap resolutions since these instances are clustered together. Having higher lightmap resolutions will throw this warnings.

You can adjust this in the Foliage tool by setting the resolution there, otherwise the mesh will use it’s default setup resolution, which is 64 if it’s not been changed in the static mesh editor.

Sounds like your trying to use to much grass man , reduce it see what happens

The grass used went from 250K to 150K, I used a lot because I see too many gaps between them and I can see the floor. Which I didn’t want. I also change the lightmap from 64 to 30.