Failed to Launch Editor on Projects linked to Source builds

Currently, this is the steps I took to get the, “Error - Failed to Launch Editor” from the Epic Games Launcher:

  1. Launch Unreal Engine 4.9.0
  2. Create new blank project, named it “MyFirstGame”
  3. Close the “MyFirstGame” Editor, right click the .uproject file and “Switch Unreal Engine version” and select “Source build at ‘C:/ue4/source/4.9’”
  4. Create the “Source” folder and right click the .uproject file and “Generate Visual Studio project files”
  5. Switch back into the Epic Games Launcher and double click “MyFirstGame” project
  6. “Error - Failed to Launch Editor”

My “MyFirstGame” .uproject file looks like:

	"FileVersion": 3,
	"EngineAssociation": "{A47C2A8F-4A9F-65BE-DC8B-7491F23B0BFE}",
	"Category": "",
	"Description": ""

I can directly open the UE4Editor that I compiled from source, then open my project from the Editor, but how can I do this through the Unreal Engine Launcher?

When I built my UE4Editor, I used the “Debug Editor” build configuration. So, I rebuilt the UE4Editor with the “Development Editor” configuration and now my project will launch the source built UE4Editor from the Unreal Engine Launcher.

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