Is it possible to disable friction on capsules?

I’ve been looking for a way to prevent my pawn’s capsule from getting caught and spun when it hits a wall on an angle. Does anyone know if it’s possible to disable friction on capsules or pawns through blueprints?


You should be able to set the physical material of the capsule component. Set the material’s friction to 0.

Note that when the capsule hits the wall, the average friction is used. So if your wall has friction 0, but the capsule doesn’t, the average friction will be the capsule friction divided by two.

In your case you’d want to set the friction to 0 for both the walls and the capsule.

Hope that helps.

I am creating a test “NoFrictionMat” material and assigning a physics material to it that has friction = 0.0. I am then assigning NoFrictionMat to one of the walls in my scene. Then on the Begin Play Event I am setting the material (and the shape material just in case) to NoFrictionMat on my Capsule Component.

This doesn’t seem to be having an effect. When I fly (my level has no gravity and locomotion is down their forces applied to the capsule) my pawn towards the wall at an angle, as soon as I collide there is a strong angular force that causes the camera direction to sharply rotate towards the wall.

Any insight into why this is happening would be greatly appreciated.


I tested something similar to this, but I was applying the material in the actual blueprint component setup not in Begin Play Event. Doing it this way worked for me, and I’d expect it to work in Begin Play but maybe there’s something not working with that.

Could you try assigning the material to the capsule as a component property of blueprint instead of in the blueprint graph?

I’m working with Heisenburger on this. Just tested out setting the physics material override in the component setup instead of the blueprint and I no longer see rotational forces being applied to the capsule.

Thanks! That worked. Apparently attempting to set materials on Begin Play does not work for this case.