Can I use UE4Client to run my game with pre-cooked content?


I’m trying to find out if it’s possible to work without being in the editor so much as it’s kind of slow on my system. I noticed there’s a UE4Client target I can compile that foregoes the editor. I can run it and pass it my uproject and it will try to launch but it exits with this exception:

“The global shader cache file ‘{0}’ is missing.\n\nYou’re running a version of the application built to load COOKED content only, however no COOKED content was found. Consider cooking content for this build, or build and run the UNCOOKED version of the application instead.”

I’ve gotten that exception before and also searched for it, the only solution that’s given here on the hub and elsewhere is to switch the compile target back to to Debug Editor.

I know I can run my uncooked game without the editor interface by running UE4Editor $PROJECT -game. I’m just curious if it can be done with cooked content (i.e. after cooking it), if not, what’s the UE4Client target for?


Hi ,

Due to the large volume of questions and comments concerning the Engine, we did not have a chance to respond to your post at the time you submitted it. However, if you are still interested, the following documentation may be useful in helping you run your game with pre-cooked content:

Content Cooking
