Pure Blueprint Networking Issue

Hello. I have been searching for days and I just cannot figure out this problem. Hopefully one of you from Epic might lend me a hand on my problem, so thanks in advance.

I can test networking in my engine just fine, but when I package the program for development, this is where the problem arises.
I have [OnlineSubsystem] DefaultPlatformService = null and that did not fix anything.
So I have a create session node and in PIE, it creates the session all right. But in my packaged game, it always fails to create the session. I do not know why and I cannot find any online resources about this.
Another problem is that the find session node never finds any sessions, even in PIE!

Please help me in the right direction, thanks.

Still need help. BUMP

You sure you use packaged in LAN?

Wait package in LAN? How do you do that?