Vertex painting bug with static mesh components in Standalone/matinee

We recently recorded a bunch of gameplay shots for our announcement trailer.

We noticed that when you have static mesh components inside a blueprint, they don’t seem to properly handle vertex painting when you run in Standalone mode, even though it works fine in “New Editor Window” mode and in the cooked version of the game itself.

This is a problem for us, since the Matinee recording system uses Standalone game mode to do its recording.

Here’s what it looks like as a static mesh component inside a blueprint when running Standalone:


and here’s what it looks like when a solo static mesh OR when not running in Standalone:


So, we’re having to separate out all those static mesh components as individual solo static mesh objects and re-vertex-paint them.

Hello -

I was able to replicate this issue and have entered a bug report for this specific issue as UE-28203, but it does look like this is related to another vertex paint copying issue reported as UE-20583.

As we continue to investigate this issue I will keep you informed here.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Any news ? This seems to be such an important bug …


This is marked as ToDo status by our devs. I’ve also posted on the internal version of the JIRA that another user is inquiring about this issue.

Here is a link to the public version of the report: UE-20583

Any news ? This is very important bug.

The link TJ Ballard left is the best way to stay up to date on an issue. We can’t give anymore information that isn’t already in that ticket in regards to the status of a bug or when it will be addressed.

The reason Eric mentioned earlier that he will keep you informed is because that was before we had a public tracker for users to watch and get updates.

I hope that clears things up,
