How do I get my Game Over menu to disappear without having my captions remaining?

I’m currently trying to make sure my levels from main menu link to the game properly. But I’m having a quite serious issue; whenever I get the Game Over menu, it always seems to remain when I press the button to play the level again. Note: in the Game Over blueprint, I have tried connecting the loop with the Complete function, but that only brings another issue into play - making my in game subtitles remain once I game over.

When the game ends do a GetAllWidgetsOfClass(theWidgetBPThatSaysYouGotCaught) and then drag off the array and do a ForEach loop and then drag off the blue index element pin and do a “remove from parent”.

Uncheck “top-level only” in the GetAllWidgetsOfClass node.

You could turn this into a function that could even just take in a user widget reference input which plugs into the get all widgets of class node by using a GetClass node from the UserWidget input pin then plug that into the class.

Edit: I looked at your images, uncheck the toplevelonly if thats the widget class that shows the You Got Caught text. Also your HUDRef and MessageHUD might not be working, make sure you test and debug them using a variety of getClass, getDisplayName, printString and isValid? nodes.

Secondly I would suggest the youGotCaught screen to be a level of its own. It doesnt need anything just create the widget in the level blueprint if its just a text on black setup.

Also remember theirs event deconstruct nodes in widgets.

Hope this helps
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Thanks! Unchecking the toplevel only button worked well for me! I also did the GetAllWidgetsOfClass just in case.