Setting location with ease for multiple objects in Level Blueprint


What my blueprint CAN do:

  • Set all static mesh actors in a circle around Z-axis (0,0,1) at a radius of 500.

  • Rotate objects in the circle with keys 1 and 2 for different directions.

      - Degree is float: 360 / (number of meshes)
      - Position index is: float (with integer value) to determine which mesh should be in which position by multiplying it with Degree.
                - 4 meshes Position index = 0  =>  Obj1=0 Obj2=90 Obj3=180 Obj4=270      
                - 4 meshes Position index = 2  =>  Obj1=180 Obj2=270 Obj3=360 (0) Obj4=450 (90)

What I WANT to do:

  • Rotate objects in the circle with smooth movement instead of “teleportation”.

  • (Later I would want to fade objects in and out when rotating, but I think that can be solved with material instance and opacity. If there is a better way, let me know!)

What happens is only the last object in the array moves: