What do I do with my Specular Map in the Mat Editor?

I imported textures for my Character, In the material editor I connect the normal map to normal but the specular input does not seem to be intended for specular maps. Do we not need Specular maps in UE4?


You still need it and they are used for Roughness, you can ignore Specular input. But you shouldnt plug it directly to Roughness. Use it as the alpha of a Lerp node and set two roughness values that will set the reflective-rough surfaces depending on that specular map.

Thank you I will try that after work today! So the specular input is just for receiving a constant?

You don’t need to use Specular input for metallic materials at all, and you dont normally need it for any material actually, except for translucency. High values can help with reflections for glass for example.