[SAVE ME] Making a game

Guys, i really need help here. My deadline is tomorow (thuesday) and my project needs big stuffs like Start Window/Launcher(new game/quit game) and a way to make my character invencible.

I need help with:

1º - The Start Window/Launcher: i don’t know how to do it. Not even from where start.

2º - Invencible: my plan is to, when “key” pressed, the shpere just pass through my character. This effect hast long 3 seconds. This one i can think in something, but if you could help me before hand, i’d love it.

And my biggest problem:

3º - Shpere falling through some brush/static mesh (even with collides bounds): i tryed “OverlapOnlyPawn” on shpere with “BlockAll” on brush/sm and nothing… i made a thread just for this ( Sphere passing through brush/static mesh - World Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums ), but no one asked until now, and… i’m in despair now.

Sadly, i don’t will be in my home until night, so i can’t respond if needed.

Aaaah, two more thing: when i create a static mesh from a brush and create collision bounds, walking in the stair (the brush mentioned), sometimes it just blocks my way, so… please, a way to avoid this; informations about the game on the other thread.

make a new level for you main menu, and in your project settings, MapsAndModes, set it to your default level. then right click on the content browser, and under UserInterface, choose WidgetBlueprint.

it should have a canvas already set up, just drop a couple buttons on there, add a Text to each button, and set the text to New Game and Quit Game. in the graph, you can select the Button in the variables section, and below that, in the details section, you can see a list of events, with big green “+” buttons. you want to override OnClicked. do that for both buttons. then connect them to the functions OpenLevel, and QuitGame. type in the name of your games first level in the OpenLevel node, and your menu should be functional at that point.

to turn off your characters collision with some objects and not others, you can use setCollisionResponseToChannel.

when a key is pressed, get your character’s capsule component, setCollisionResponseToChannel, WorldDynamic (or whatever collision channel your rock is on), and set it to ignore, and connect that to a timer set to 3 seconds, then connect that to another setCollisionResponseToChannel, but instead of ignore, set it to block or overlap.

if you are having problems with the collision on a static mesh, you can try UseComplexAsSimple. if that doesn’t work, stick a blocking volume where the mesh is.