Cannot replicate client position

I’m trying to replicate the transform of an actor that was placed on the client, and from what I understand, a Server function should be callable from a client but it will only execute on the server (?).

The following functions are not being triggered when called from a client.

Is a Server function really callable from a client? If not, how would I go about replicating a client’s transform to the server?


UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation, BlueprintCallable)
void ForceUpdateTransform(FTransform trans);

UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation, BlueprintCallable)
void ForceRelativeLocation(FVector loc);


bool ATownStructure::ForceUpdateTransform_Validate(FTransform trans)
	return true;

void ATownStructure::ForceUpdateTransform_Implementation(FTransform trans)

bool ATownStructure::ForceRelativeLocation_Validate(FVector loc)
	return true;

void ATownStructure::ForceRelativeLocation_Implementation(FVector loc)

Hi Grogger,

When replicating an RPC from client to server, the client must own the actor that the RPC function is called on. The player controller that is assigned to that client is owned by the client. Pawns or other actors possessed by that player controller are also owned along with inventory items of that owned pawn, etc.

Hope this clears things up a little.

Sure does, thanks again John