Can't access a function in BP

I can’t access a number of collision functions (SphereOverlapActors, if it matters) in a particular blueprint. I say ‘particular’ because I can see the function in every other blueprint.

UCLASS(Blueprintable, Abstract)
class ------_API UTalentManagerCPP : public UObject
I have another class with the same identical setup; in the blueprint derived from that, the function is available. Yes, I have checked and unchecked "context sensitive". I have tried wrapping it in a blueprint blueprint function library: none of the functions from that library were available in the TalentManager but were there in other blueprints. I have tried duplicating the function in a C++ blueprint function library (Epic, maybe you want to consider giving them different names?), same thing.


Uh… well… it looks like you’re inheriting from UObject instead of AActor. I suspect that is the cause of your issues.

It’s that abominable World Context, isn’t it.
Thank you, Sir or Madam. You apparently actually passed the Reading Comprehension part of standard testing, unlike so many other “helpful” posters on this site.