Isometric - player controller pitch/yaw

Hi, I’ve been struggling with this for few days now. I’m trying to achieve pitch/yaw transformation from player controller in a isometric static camera game.

At this point I have tied the following blueprint block in player controller, player character and player pawn blueprint, but none of them are transforming my pawn. The branch statement in picture is validating false because my cursor isn’t in game.

Anyone know why controller yaw and pitch input don’t get updated like this?

I stated a misleading fact. I meant isometric type game not top down.

I did manage to resolve the problem. As I didn’t want the actor itself to rotate pitch, I figured I can store the pitch in controllers variable and receive it in characters animation blueprint and change the animation pitch. So in the end I ended up with rotating actor itself and changing only the animation pitch.

Here are my controller and my animation BP part.

P.S. in my case I should probably store variable ‘Look at Rotation’ as a float and rename it to ‘Last Pitch Rotation’.