No owning connection for actor

Hello Everybody,

I am trying to add simple jet pack like functionality to the ShooterGame example found on the Unreal Engine Launcher Learn tab. I ultimately want to use this functionality to create a game called “The Afflicted”, but I have run into a problem. I have created a child of the ShooterCharacter class and a child of the ShooterGameMode class. My solution builds and launches the editor fine, but when ever I run the editor I get the error message in the Output below and the game character becomes unresponsive to input.

LogNet:Warning: UIpNetDriver::ProcesRemoteFunction: No owning connection for actor PlayerPawn_Afflicted_C_3. Function ServerSetJetting will not be processed.

The source code for my character and gamemode can be found [here][2]. I haven’t changed any other files in the ShooterGame project.

Does anyone know what is causing this error? I am fairly new to the networking side of the Unreal Engine so it may be something simple.

Any help is much appreciated,


From reading this connection ownership is important to RPC’s like the one mentioned in the error because they tell them which client to run on.

My question is:
How and where are those connections made?

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For those who are interested, a forum post has been made on this subject and can be found here.

This may not be the sole cause of the warning, but typically I see this warning when I do the following:

  1. Spawn a pawn
  2. Replicate properties from client to server in BeginPlay or Tick (or some other early/recurring function)
  3. Pawn possessed

I’m usually able to resolve it by preventing any of those RPCs from executing by checking if IsLocallyControlled() is true.

I hope that helps!


I had the same issue and I was able to fix it, just by setting all the properties that were passed into my function as “Replicated”.