Is there a way to use PostEditChangeProperty in a blueprint?

We are porting our C++ code to Blueprints, because the workflow is better due to almost instant compilation times, visual debugging, and less dumb segfaults.

Along a few limitations of BPs, like no TMaps, no templates and missing methods, we also haven’t found the method PostEditChangeProperty. In C++ we use it to check when a variable changes and create a default object based on that value. Is it possible to use BPs for this?


There no editor code accessible via BP other then constructor script. You might try to access it by making blueprint event in C++ which will be called on PostEditChangeProperty but i’m not sure if virtual machine will work without gameplay running, i also don’t know how this gonna behave when you package your game, where there no editor code at all, you need to test that out. If not then you will need to leave that part in C++

Why don’t you consider using C++ and Blueprint equily? make base classes in C++ and use Blueprints to make items for it. You will able to test out things and use blueprint for many things and have access to C++ richness.

Hmmm, i’m not sure if i remeber right, but isnt constructor script running on property change too?

Thank you for your answer. :slight_smile: To avoid running it outside the editor we surround the code with #if WITH_EDITOR. We actually have some base classes in C++ because there are things that are hard to port, and we will likely keep them.

I will look into the Construction Script and see if anything can help us. Thanks again!