How do you use PakBlacklist-Shipping.txt?

I used [this][1] to try and reduce my apk size. However it doesn’t seem to do anything. I am probably using it wrong. Can you show me a real example or point out what I am doing wrong?
A few pics of what I am doing:

Running into the same issue.

I have found the solution!

What I assumed and still assume happened to prevent the black list to work is that files were remaining from previous builds and/or cooks. I got this to work by clearing old cooked assets and build data.

Files I cleared

Project/Build/[Platform]/ (All files in this directory)

Project/Saved/Cooked/ (All files in this directory)

I hope this helps! =D

hi~I have several questions, Is Blacklist use to not cook the resource or not package? Should I use relative path or absolute path? Should I use pak? Do you know that, thanks you

seems to be the blacklist is only used when ‘use pak file’ is enabled in the packaging settings.

I forgot to answer this. If anyone is running into the same issue, it was just the fact that I had put C:/blabla/blabla/engine/ instead of …/…/…/engine/ in the beginning of each line. I have attached my blacklist to this answer if anyone should need text

Thanks! ONLY after ‘Use Pak file’ was selected I could see the “Applying PAK blacklist file” and the new package size confirmed it.

This thread is still one of the top Google results for pak blacklisting, so I think it’s important to note that “PakBlacklist-Shipping.txt” and “PakBlacklist-Development.txt” are both deprecated in UE4/5 (since version v4.25 or so).

The above methods have been replaced with DefaultPakFileRules.ini.

Directions on how to set this up in the following post:

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