Help horror level

I could use a bit of help. I’m a college student one semester I learned Unity and learned how to script in that and this semester they want me to use Unreal 4 and I’ve never used it before. So I was hoping to get some help for what I want to do for my scripting level. I kind of just want to do just a simple horror level where objects and enemies simply added a bit of motion blur to the player character making the level more and more blurry the more the character encounter triggered events with a said variable of motion blur. When at max I simply wanted the player camera to tilt for a bit and then go back to be centered properly.

Example player enters trigger object moves past player. Player receives twenty motion blur out of the maximum motion blur. I get that this will have to be a var that I will have to setup I just have not idea of how to go about it. Any and all help would be appreciated thanks.

In UnrealEngine all post process effects are handled via “Post Process Volumes” which you have to place in your level.

You can decide if you just want different volumes which have the motion blue value hardcoded and that one just slightly increases every volume or if you want to do one huge volume box across your entire level and modify the values via blueprint.

The movement of objects is rather simple. You can decide if you want to use the projectile movement component which will just shoot the object at a certain speed in one direction. You can make it “sleep” and then later call an event to start the movement. The gravity can be ignored and the speed super slow. I imagine it could work well for you.

Otherwise you can just write your own movement real quick. Just do a vinterp (a vector interpolation) between the current location and some end position where you want the object to end up and set “Set Actor Location” each tick to that.
