Extremely severe compression on 16161616F DDS Cubemap with MIPs

I am getting extremely severe compression when importing a previously encoded 16161616F DDS Cubemap with mips (Alexs_Apt_2k_cube_specular_A16B16G16R16F.dds).

As you can see the banding is not present in the original file. Is this a bug? The compression seems very heavy handed, especially for a float image.

Also, as currently it seems impossible to import a previously encoded .DDS in formats other than 8888 and 16161616F, it would be great if UE4 could support .DDS files that have already been compressed with mip levels by an external program in formats such as bc7, bc6h, bc4, bc5 and 11_11_10F. The current DXT1 & the FloatRGBA seems to compress my cubemaps very severely so it would be great if I could compress them myself and import without UE4 adding additional compression.

You can grab the source image here:https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2057427/Bug%20Reports/UE4/UE4_cubes.zip


Why not import TGA? they are (close to) lossless.

Hi Luos,

Thanks for the reply!

The issue is the compression that is being performed in UE4 after importing the texture rather than the quality of the texture I am importing itself. :slight_smile:

While you are correct that TGA is lossless, unfortunately it can only store a of 8bits per channel & can’t store MIPS, which I require, so I have to use .DDS in this case.

I’m looking for the ability to compress the DDS with mip levels externally & then import it without UE4 compressing it further.


Very sorry for my ignorance :stuck_out_tongue:
Currently helping a friend with his cubemap and .DDS is def. the way to go.
I hope you’ll get a proper reply and hopefully its helpful :slight_smile:

No problem! Thanks for taking the time to reply :slight_smile:


Thank you for your patience. We were able to see this issue you are experiencing and have entered a bug report. Please let us know if you experience any other unexpected behaviors.


Thanks !

Please let me know if you need any help from me.

May I ask if the bug report included the feature request regarding the importing of .DDS files that have already been compressed with mip levels by an external program in formats such as bc7, bc6h, bc4, bc5 and 11_11_10F?


Hi MetalliAndy,

I was having this same problem for hours and noticed there is an option in the texture’s editor (Double-click the texture): Level of Detail > Mip Gen Settings

The default setting was ‘FromTextureGroup’, which may be wrong in your case (it was in mine as I did not require them). I wonder if you’re might better be set to ‘Leave Existing Mips’. Correcting this setting made mine revert to exactly how it appeared in my original PSD. You might have to re-apply it to the mesh and compile etc, but I did this anyway.

I should also mention that the ‘eye adaptation’ setting made my dark areas show up as blotchy and pixelated.

I hope it helps.


Sorry the late reply and thanks for the response!
Unfortunately I really need my current pre-existing mips, so selecting the ‘Leave Existing Mips’ isn’t really workable in my case. Great to know this trick if I don’t need to keep the custom mips though :slight_smile:

Thanks again!