bunker pack, and military pack not compatble with 4.9?

will the bunker pack, urban construction pack, military pack 1 be compatible with 4.9? and if not maybe change the market place into sections for which pack is compatible with which version so its not a hunt and pick. also there are a lot of packs not compatible with 4.9 will they all be in the future if not why?

Hi there,

We are in contact with the Sellers at this time to update their content to the latest version of the Unreal Engine. This is a requirement for our Seller to sell their content on the Marketplace (https://publish.unrealengine.com/faq). I can check in with these two packs and see if we can work getting these updated soon. Will keep ya posted. Thank you for your patience.

can i use new sci-fi weapon pack in unreal 4.9?