Who owns the rights?


I believe you are looking specifically for section 10.

"10. Ownership

Epic or its licensors own all title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in the Engine Code and Content. You own all rights in the Products you develop under the License, other than the Engine Code and Content, Third Party Software, and any Contributions. All rights granted to you under this Agreement are granted by express license only and not by sale, and all of those rights are limited by the terms of this Agreement. No license or other rights will be created hereunder by implication, estoppel, or otherwise. Any attempted sublicense under this Agreement that is not consistent with the terms of this Agreement will be null and void."

Who owns the rights

If I create a game using UE4 and I don´t use store bought assets but actually create everything in my game by using UE4 do I own the rights to my game or do Epic own the rights?

Been looking but I cannot find any info about who actually is entitled the rights to a game created using UE4.

I don´t quite get it, it reads to me as if Epic owns what I make then ?

Sephern posted the most relevant part of the EULA. Epic owns the engine, you own your game other than the engine.

No. Epic owns the Unreal Engine, but anything you build on top of it is yours.

The relevant sentence is: “You own all rights in the Products you develop under the License, other than the Engine Code and Content, Third Party Software, and any Contributions.”

When selling your game, you need to make it clear that you built it using the Unreal Engine and you can’t pass off the underlying Engine code as yours.

You own all rights in the Products you develop under the License, other than the Engine Code and Content, Third Party Software, and any Contributions.

Content created in Epic Engine is owned by Epic ?
Contributions to content created in Epic Engine is owned by Epic ?

No - Content is a defined term in the EULA (see the Definitions section). It refers to content provided by Epic (mostly Learning tab demo content).

Contributions is also a defined term, and if you give them to Epic, yes ownership does go to Epic. But you have no obligation to give them to Epic.