Building UE4Editor with Shipping config using Xcode from github source errors

When I download the github source, run setup.command and Generate Project Files.command, and then build, all the schemes are set up to use Development configuration. Running Archive does not generate a final shipping version of the app for the currently selected scheme as you would expect.

If I manually change the UE4Editor - Mac scheme (or duplicate it and change the duplicate) to use the Shipping configuration, instead, the build fails while compiling SLevelViewport.cpp on line 3359

   /Users//dev/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Editor/LevelEditor/Private/SLevelViewport.cpp:3359:69: error: no member named 'GetExecBind' in 'UPlayerInput'

This is probably a simple configuration issue, since the UBT is able to build in shipping configuration. Also, the way Xcode is configured by the Generate Project Files command, it actually keeps building and generates the app, but the app doesn’t work.

It also doesn’t build an App called, it builds an app called This can be overridden in the Build Settings easily enough. The Generate Project Files command should set the name for shipping configuration automatically. Using the “-Mac-Shipping” name causes issues and unnecessarily long build times. When building using UFE, it will kick off a complete build of the engine if it doesn’t see an app called Also, Project Launcher from within will actually look for an app called and fail during packaging.

If, however, I create Unreal and use that to kick off a build of a project, it will do a full build of the engine, creating

The Xcode project should be set up so that both Development and Shipping configurations can be built correctly and with the right names.