Unreal engine 4.9.1 constantly crashing

I cannot start Unreal Egine 4.9.1 without it crashing. If by some miracle it stays on more than a minute, I get some texture flickering and in the middle of my work, the editor crashes. If I leave out of focus, it stays on for more time, but still crashes.

Since this has been happening for a while, (I always choose to send error report) but nothing has changed, I am posting here

Hi Drongo,

I notice you’re using Infiltrator and that you’re laptop is using GPU switching, but from your dxdiag, I can’t tell if you’re Nvidia drivers are up to date. Would you mind checking the Asus website for their GPU drivers? It’ll be different than what’s available on Nvidia’s website.


I’m with the latest nVidia drivers (355.92). There are no official drivers for win10 provided by Asus.

We’ve noticed this becoming a problem where people are upgrading their laptops, but the laptop manufacturers haven’t yet created the custom forks of Nvidia’s drivers that handle their hardware correctly.

I believe there is an option in the Nvidia Control Panel under the Desktop Menu>Display GPU Activity Icon in Notification Area. See if that option exists for you and let me know if it is switching to the Nvidia card when UE4 starts up.

If it is not starting up, then try going into the Nvidia Control Panel to the “Manage 3D Settings” option. Select “Program Settings”. If the 4.9 instance of UE4Editor.exe is not in the Program List, select add. Locate UE4Editor.exe (typically here: Program Files\Epic Games\4.9\Engine\Binaries\Win64) and then choose the preferred Graphics Processor in the list below.


I do have that option and it does switch to the nVidia. I also tried explicitly running it on the nVidia GPU (Run with graphics processor>High performance(nVidia)), but needless to say, the result is the same.

I also did a clean install of the drivers via DDU, nothing changed.

Quick update: I’m having laptop motherboard change, possible hardware failure. Will update after the change to say if problem persists

EDIT(.Williams): Drongo indicates this is still occurring after MoBo change.

Hey Drongo,

I’ve tracked down the crash in our CrashReporter system and entered it as UE-21818. For the time being, I would suggest running the editor in DX11.


We think this is now fixed on 4.11.