Player gets glued to objects when colliding


I don’t know if this is a blueprint problem or not, but I’m a beginner, so I just guessed.
So here’s my concern:
I’v created a arcviz scene and added a playerstart into it with these setting:

I have used this set-up before and this type of problem has not occurred before. Moving and looking around works, but whenever I touch something, I get glued to it and can’t move, but i can look around. Objects in scene have Collision complexity set to “use complex collision as simple”.
What might be the problem?


Hello KaupoK,

I’ve attempted to recreate your issue using the blueprint you provided, and by placing a few static meshes in the scene and setting their collision complexity to “Use Complex Collision as Simple”. Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce the issue that you are experiencing. Is there any more information that you could provide that could be useful in attempting to mimic your setup?

Have a great day,

Sean Flint

Hey, Sean.

I have figured it out what causes the “glueness”. My floor’s collision complexity was also set to “Use Complex Collision as Simple”. I just changed it to “Default” and that, I have no idea how, removed the gluness! :slight_smile:
Maybe you have an idea how the floor could have caused this?

Many thanks,

Hello KaupoK,

I’ve tried to set my floor to “Use Complex Collision as Simple”, but I still didn’t get the issue that you are experiencing. It could be that I’m missing a key element. Would it be possible for you to attempt to recreate the issue in a test project and attach it so that I could look into this issue further? I would like to ensure that it is not a bug.

Have a great day,

Sean Flint