How to make player wait to activate blueprint

Hello, I have set up a blueprint that when actor begins overlap(triggervolume), player pawn teleports to destination location, how would I set it up so player would wait 3 seconds for them to teleport and if they leave the triggerbox before the timer has ended then they do not teleport?

Try this:

Oh right. Set that bool to False between overlapbegin and delay. Now it should work properly.

It only works when the player overlaps the box for the first time, and even then if they leave they can’t use it again. I need the player to be able to enter multiple times.

Doesn’t seem to work, I split it into two parts so you can look at it: alt text

You are still not setting the Is Actor In Volume bool to false after beginoverlap like i suggested. It has to work if you do that but i dont know why you need the second branch?

I took out the extra stuff (that was from before, didn’t know if I still needed it) still only works once. Its probably because your setting it to not be used again after exiting the box which isn’t what I’m intending

I also did set it to false

I fixed it! You were missing a set Is actor in volume to false if the branch was true, so it resets after exiting the box. Thank you either way!

In case anybody else is wondering this is what the final version of this corrected:

And the get actor location, reference would reverse and vise versa. ect, or what ever saying you choose to use.