(4.9.1 BUG)Sphere trace for objects always fail with newly created objects type

I have tested for many times,once I create a new object type(block) and use sphere trace for objects,it always fails,but sphere trace by channel works…That is so strange

I found the similar issue posted by others:Line Trace for custom Object Type always false - World Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums

Hi ,

How are you setting up your blueprint?

I tested this in 4.9.2 with this setup and it returns the correct objects using a custom channel.

Thanks for testing for me.However,I still have that BUG in 4.9.2:Here’s what I’m doing step-by-step:
1.I create a new object type called bomb in the project settings:

2.I create the spheretraceforobjects BP in the playercontroller blueprint:

3.I create a custom BP like this and change the collision object type to newly created bomb:


4.I test it in game,when I press K,the trace drawn correctly but doesn’t hit the type bomb:

I just tested your setup but I still can’t get your results. The overlap works for me. Does the static mesh that you are using in the blueprint have collision?

If so, would you upload your test project for me to look at? You can also send it to me by PM over the Forums if you like.

Hi ,

We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please feel free to post back here with additional information.
