Set input to another PlayerController

How do I set input to another PlayerController when we have the option to control multiple characters (in a game where you can control more than one character)?

Tried somtehing like, but it doesn’t work:

APlayerStart* start = PlayerStarts[1];
APlayerController* controller2 = this->SpawnPlayerController(start->GetActorLocation(), start->GetActorRotation());
this->SpawnDefaultPawnFor(controller2, start);

UWorld* const World = ();
APlayerController* PController = World->GetFirstPlayerController();
PController->InputComponent->bBlockInput = 1;

//controller2->InputComponent->bBlockInput = 0;
FConstPlayerControllerIterator itr = World->GetPlayerControllerIterator();
APlayerController* chController = itr->Get();
chController->bBlockInput = 0;

I blocked the input from the original controller and tried to give input to a new controller.

So what i understand its still single player game, then you don’t multiple playercontroller which should be created for each player not character. So insted make PlayerController possess other pawn.

Thank you. The basic idea is to control multiple characters with different abbilities.