Is there a way to disable objects without removing them?

Hey all.

In the scene outliner there is a useful icon for toggling visibility in the editor. Which is good. But I want to toggle the creation at “play” time of some objects (basically keep them in the editor scene, but switch them off in game because I want to test something without them.

Is this possible? How do I “disable” an object such that its still in the editor but not in the game when run?


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well… it’s simply in the rendering details of the actor…

If you want to do it in runtime with blueprint you can use these guys :slight_smile:

Edit: Don’t mind the name of the image, I just did it in a RandomLoot blueprint :wink:

Hmm, that actor hidden in game value doesn’t seem to be supported in multiple selection mode. I guess I’ll maybe extend the scene outliner to be able to toggle them myself… bleh. Just want to temporarily disable a bunch of selected actors is all.

i missed the on runtime thing…

if it’s only about visibility then take Sparven’s aproach…
you can however construct object on the fly and destruct them aswell…

mmh… i can use it on several objects simultaneously… just shift-selected some objects and checked the box… no problems at all

Ah, it doesn’t show that box with BSP brushes. No wonder I couldn’t find it.

This doesn’t really disable the actor. It does make it hidden but it still ticks and generates collision events. Is there a way to disable it completely?

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Coming from Unity, this is the weirdest feature not to have in the editor. An object enable/disable checkbox is insanely convenient and something you use constantly.

Another similarly missing feature is object prefabs. Luckily, there is the Prefabricator plugin which works nicely.

Unfortunately I can’t find an enable/disable object plugin for UE4.


Coming from Unity, this is the weirdest feature not to have in the editor. An object enable/disable checkbox is insanely convenient and something you use constantly.

Another similarly missing feature is object prefabs. Luckily, there is the Prefabricator plugin which works nicely.

Unfortunately I can’t find an enable/disable object plugin for UE4.

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This is a 6 years old topic, but I was searching for the same thing. Little bit off topic, but FYI In Unity disabled objects also tick, you need to disable all components for the object to be fully disabled if it’s in scene :slight_smile:

As for Unreal, other people have said it below; You can disable object rendering in level, but like Unity, it will still tick.

just create a simple actor and add a variable type actor and make it array and make them editable.


now add this actor to level and in default of this actor, you can find your created add that actor you want to the array of actor.

now assign a function to it to show them or hide them with a loop


You are totally wrong. If I disable object in Unity - it will not tick. I will act in the same way like there is no this object at all. As well as all its nested objects and also, like all components and scripts that are on it and all its nested objects. All this will literally cease to exist on the stage if you uncheck the box.


Speaking solely on the tick concern, would using the ‘Set Actor Tick Enabled’ node be of any assistance?

Set Actor Tick Enabled

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Node? How can I turn off an object on a level in editor? So that I will be able to see that it is disabled in the editor. Answer: There is no function in UE to do it. And it’s absolutely weird for such a powerful engine.


I am also interested in this as it seems weird to not be able to disable an object without removing them from the scene.

Will disabling the ticking of an actor stop all logic run by this actor or will it still reacts to events or run any logic that is not called by the tick function ?

Reading this thread and coming from Unity does indeed baffle me that there is no quick and simple way to just disable an object in the scene within Unreal, (with BP or additional code) and not have them tick, render, generate collision etc. You can ‘hide’ an object in the outliner but its just hidden its still there are ticking and rendering etc and isnt saved between sessions…

UE noobie, Unity pro here: probably subclassing all actors from a custom class which offers non-tick-enabled hide functionality would do the job, or using a BP manager with array as pointed above. Also curious if there is a simpler/roadmapped way.


It’s been nearly a decade since the OP and this is still a thing. Not being able to temporarily disable objects/actors/components/whatever in the Editor for runtime testing causes frequent time sinks, and is the singular most annoying recurring issue I’ve encountered in Unreal since switching from Unity. @Epic, for the love of all that is holy, would you PLEASE implement this feature!


Is this some kind of joke!?
Blender and similar applications have this core feature “Disable in Renders” (Camera icon) for collections/folders/layers for years. I can’t believe UE5 doesn’t have something similar. “Actor Hidden in Game” or “Visible” buttons doesn’t even work for level instances which I populated my scene with.


I recently wanted to give UE a try for my architectural renders and was expecting some improvements because of the version 5 and UI overhaul. But every part of the process I hit a wall because of this kind of UX issues or lack of features!