Steam sdk version - Retail BUILD

Hello :slight_smile:

I’m using steam sdk 1.32 w/o any problems and i would like to change my steam sdk to newest version ( 1.34 ).

I already copy all files, but i don’t know how to change steam sdk version for retail build. I’m pretty sure that’s i don’t need to modify some C++ files, because i’m using retail build. But UE4 continues to package with steam sdk 1.32.

There is no version’s information in DefaultEngine.ini, and i didn’t find anything in project settings.

Thank you for your help ! Bye :slight_smile:

Hi RomFou,

If you’re using binary version of editor, you’ll need to stick with 1.32 for now, as that’s what’s supported. If you build from source, you can edit OnlineSubsystemSteam\Private\OnlineSubsystemSteamPrivatePCH.h to use a newer version you’ve installed, as described here:

Hi !

Okay, good to know that ! I’m using binary version so i will stay with 1.32 for now !

Ty for your help :slight_smile: