[BluePrint] - if {Key Pressed} AND {within trigger box} = do action

A few questions if you don’t mind:

1: Is it possible to have a bluepringt if statement checking IF player is within distance radius of a specific actor without using a trigger box around that actor and pulling the collision off the triggerbox?

2: I have a console which opens the door. All I need to figure out is how to make an action happen ONLY IF the player is within the console range (collision with trigger box) AND the “E” key is pressed. Which note triggers a signal only if both are true?

Branch node is what you are looking for. It is basically an IF node, condition set by the bool variable. So you set if the bool is true or not by the trigger volume and it will open the Branch only if the bool is true.

I am trying to figure out how to convert The Collision of player with a trigger box into a Yes or No so that it could be used as a condition. I found a tutorial with e same answer but am stuck at trying to convert collision to bolean

Never mind > Right click in the blueprint asset windows on the ion top left panel “My Blueprint” (if not renamed) and right click add variable > boolean by default.