Mutator testing issue


I am just starting to explore the Unreal Tournament Editor regarding the creation of Mutators and have started to setup the tutorial about the Low Grav mutator: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

However, when I wanted to test the mutator I am having the following message in the output log indicating that my Mutator is not loaded properly while it’s correctly setup within the Advanced Settings (as far as I know):

UT: Mutators: /Game/RestrictedAssets/Blueprints/Mutator_LowGrav_Tut.Mutator_LowGrav_Tut
LogModuleManager:Warning: No filename provided for module /Game/RestrictedAssets/Blueprints/Mutator_LowGrav_Tut
LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module '/Game/RestrictedAssets/Blueprints/Mutator_LowGrav_Tut' because the file 'D:/Program Files/Epic Games/UnrealTournamentEditor/Engine/Binaries/Win64/' was not found.
UT:Warning: Failed to load module for mutator /Game/RestrictedAssets/Blueprints/Mutator_LowGrav_Tut
UT:Warning: Failed to find or load mutator '/Game/RestrictedAssets/Blueprints/Mutator_LowGrav_Tut.Mutator_LowGrav_Tut'

Would anyone know what I might be missing in my configuration?

The mutator I’ve created is only consisting of a blueprint as shown in the tutorial above and currently only involves a *.uasset file in the Blueprints folder.

Thank you very much in advance.

This question has been solved on the community forums: Unreal Tournament Forum Downtime