STextBlock with RegisterActiveTimer not doing anything

In my custom STextBlockEx derived from STextBlock,

BlinkTimerHandle = RegisterActiveTimer(1.0f, FWidgetActiveTimerDelegate::CreateSP(this, &STextBlockEx::BlinkText));

Does not trigger any “BlinkText()”

Is there a bug with slate and timer? or something I need to do before calling RegisterActiveTimer?

Thank you!

where do you register your timer and how does the BlinkText function looks like?

I changed the name for TriggerBlink… I call the RegisterActiveTimer on a button click somewhere in my code

EActiveTimerReturnType STextBlockEx::TriggerBlink(double InCurrentTime, float InDeltaTime)
	return EActiveTimerReturnType::Continue;

Ok I figured out my problem, when I call my start blink, its was from a update loop status, I did not realize it was called on each frame!! so it was un-registering / registering on each frame… so it is working now