Storing Highscore in local database using blueprints?

I am developing a game as a school project, and need to store highscores in a local database, so I can read from it with a diferent program at a later time. I would like to be able to use blueprints to make this easier. I’ve looked at using SQLite3, but the forums said this wasn’t possible in the new version (4.9).

The data I need to write is very rudimental, and consists of just the players name, and score.

Does anyone know how I can acchieve this?

Thanks in advance.

You could use a Save Game object to do what you’re asking.

Hello Daniel,
Thank you for your answer, but unfortunately this is not what i mean. I want to read out data from the darabase in a different program, probably a c# program, so I cannot use the save game option you mentioned.

Are there any other ways of achieving this?

Thanks in advance

Hello !

Did you manage to a solution for this ?

Hello !

Did you manage to a solution for this ?