Problem: Duplicated / copied Events not working

Hi, some events like the Input ones can be copied and the function calls from every instance work just fine, but when copying others, such as Begin Overlap, the result is something called “ReceiveActorName_of_the_event”, which doesn’t work.

I just want to be able to have a plurality of “Begin Play”, “Tick”, etc. for simplicity purposes, so there aren’t nodes crossing the whole blueprint. How to duplicated those events so they work fine?


Instead of copying the Begin Play or Event Tick nodes, try feeding them into a Sequence Nodes like below:

The sequence nodes then can call Custom Events and will follow the same conventions as the Begin Play and Event Tick functions.


Great, and because custom events let the user create Input, possibly any event can be duplicated this way. Tried it for the exposed case and works perfectly. Thank you.


How you make “Event Tick” sequence with use “Delta Seconds”. Like this attachment files …Thanks