Mobility Static and Movable problem?

I am using a few traces to find the position of a ledge and then a “Move Component to” to move my character to that Ledge. It is starting to work, but it has some problems. One of them is that if the ledge’s mesh that I am trying to grab has its mobility set to Movable, it works right. But if the mobility is set to Static, it starts to push the character away from it.
Look at this vídeo. So, does anyone knows why this is happening?

I really don’t know why, but I have an offset from the ledge distance value that I use. The value that I have is - 65 and it works fine for movable meshes. I just increase this to -70 and now it works for both Movable and Static meshes. Why??? But now my character stays a little of the ledge.