Maxium Texture Size in Packaged build

We are doing an optimization of levels for an Oculus release and part of the process is getting our textures sized down. Currently, we are using the Maximum Texture Size in the editor but my question is, when we package the build is the texture packaged with the Maximum size I set it to or does it package the original source size. So would a 2048 package at 2048 or the 512 I cap it out at? This would obviously save a lot of time having to go to the source and adjust there.

Hi robotboots,

Due to the large volume of questions and comments concerning the Engine, we did not have a chance to respond to your post at the time you submitted it. However, if you are still interested, the following link covers Texture Support and Settings

The short answer to your question, however, is yes it is going to package the texture at the original size and only render it down to the reduced size to decrease frame render time. If you want to reduce the APK size, you will need to reduce the original texture size, assuming there is nowhere in the project where it is supposed to render (in this example) the full 2048 x 2048.
