Only right eye on GearVR

I am testing the GearVR with a Galaxy 6 Edge. I used the instructions on, and the setup is good (i can deploy on the device …).

There is a problem, only the right image is displayed, the left one is missing. I ran the stats command, the space for the left eye is there, but no image is displayed.

In baseDeviceProfile.ini this is the section for my android device:

[Android_High DeviceProfile]






I am working with Unreal 4.9.2. Any suggestion is welcome.



Problem is gone, I disabled Mobile HDR in Project Settings / Engine - Rendering and also package as Android ASTC, and is working now.

That was a great bit of info! But were you able to get the headtracking working? Thanks to your comment, I was able to get my game up and running, but the head tracking still does nothing.

did you tunr on Google VR Movement in Plugins ?