Inconsistency in destructible behavior when setting Global Time Dialation

I’m experiencing a large inconsistency in the behavior of the chunks from my destructible objects when I adjust the game speed using the Set Global Time Dilation node. The force applied to the chunks via an impulse seems to increase immensely as time is slowed down. Something that creates a nice pile of rubble at normal speed throws the debris all around the level with a dilation of 0.01.

This behavior doesn’t seem to be limited to impulses either. Shattering a destructible object by dropping it produces wildly different results at different game speeds.

Is there something I should be doing to make the slow game behave like the full speed game? If I slow time to show something getting ripped apart I don’t want the bits to fly farther than they would otherwise. The design is to emphasize what’s happening, not show something else. How can I get the desired behavior?