Blueprint allowing the player to take and save notes

Hey everybody,
I’m wondering if it’s possible to create a blue print that would allow a player to type, save and edit notes. I’ve looked into this but the only thing I can find is people typing and displaying text on the HUD.
What i would need is more of a menu system that the player could open at any time and type into or delete/edit previous notes.

Thank you in advance

Yes it is possible (but personally I don’t have a sample). For saving you can use the SaveGame functionality, it can basically save whatever data object you want. You can reload the data whenever you need and generate a GUI with it. If it’s only a single note, you could use a single TextBox for it (otherwise you would need to manage a list of notes, which is slightly more complicated)

that’s great. would it be possible to link a widget to a blueprint so they could type into the widget when it was open?