How to make component pointers assignable in the editor?

If I have an actor that has a pointer to another actor, and then want to be able to set that pointer in the editor, I can simply write:

UPROPERTY( EditAnywhere )
AActor * TargetActor;

And have this in the editor:


When editing the pointer for an instance, then the target actor can be now selected conveniently from the drop-down list or with the picker tool at the right. (this does not work for archetypes, which makes perfect sense)

However, if I have an actor component that has a pointer to another actor component, and then want to be able to set that pointer in the editor, then this will not work:

UPROPERTY( EditAnywhere )
UActorComponent * TargetComponent;

I get this:


and the drop-down looks like this:


When editing the pointer on an instance, nothing happens if I select something from the list (the value of the variable stays at ‘None’). Also, the drop-down list seems to show only classes, not actual instances, which does not make sense when editing an instance.

When editing the pointer on an archetype, I can indeed select a class from the list. This causes a new default subcomponent to be created and assigned to the pointer. However, it seems to be impossible to assign an already existing default subcomponent to the pointer.

Question 1: Is it possible to make component pointers on instances editor-assignable, in a similar way as actor pointers are?

Question 2: Is it possible to make component pointers on archetypes editor-assignable in such a way that they point to an existing default subcomponent, instead of creating a new one?


I know this is an old question and I’m not sure if the question is still relevant or not since I am a 4.13.2 user, but I posted an answer on this page.