Mesh Details highlight feature doesn't highlight with easy to see colors

When you open a mesh weather it be Static or Skeletal and you go to the material properties in Mesh Details, select highlight, It used to turn Yellow(ish) to be able to identify which material you were assigning to. I now use a garish pink material to to see what turns that color and then replace it with the proper material, this was a lot easier in the Alpha/Beta with the yellow outline or color tint…
I looked in the preferences and there’s nothing to turn it on/off, as well as re-installing the engine on a virgin machine in case I had made a mistake somewhere, it’s not there… must have gotten broken.

Hi DCrosby,

If you are looking to change the highlight selection in editor, please look in Edit>Editor Preferences. The highlight colors are now located there. Thank you and have a great day!

It works now as of 4.1; it didn’t in the original release, or was not made an obnoxious color.

Hi DCrosby,

I’m happy to hear that it is working for you. I will mark this as answered for tracking purposes. Have a great day!