What is a good resource or starting point for a 2d/Top Down Game?

Hello! I would like to develop a top-down exploration/puzzle based action RPG, similar to the original Zelda games and Secret of Mana. I was wondering if UDK would be an ideal choice for such a game, or if not, what a more viable option may be. Also, I was wondering what would be some good resources to get started with? I have a decent amount of programming experience, but no experience with a game engine/dev kit.

Thanks for your time!

By 2d do you mean the movement is locked to a plane, or no 3D objects?

If it’s 2D art I’d look at the TappyBird project as a starting point.

If it’s 3D models, but only can move on a 2D plane I’d probably use the Scroller as a reference for the camera but add that camera to the 3rd person game with changes to be from a top down perspective.