How to assign gamepad left stick to my variable?

So. i want to create a bunch of variables that describes my gamepad input, and then i want use them to trigger different animations. How and where i can do that?

I’ve tried to assign Gamepad left Y to a variable speed in character BP, but it seems do nothing.

can anyone help me please ?

I’m not sure what you want to achieve, but at a first glance it seems that you could use input bindings. Epic just released a short introduction for how to use them.

Maybe this is a first starting point for you to see how input handling is done in UE4.


The options are available under ‘Edit’ >‘Project Settings’ > ENGINE ‘Input’ >>Bindings

Expand ‘Action Mappings’ and you’ll be able to create a new input assignment. From there you choose the input you want to use from a pulldown list.

The GamePad buttons are towards the bottom of the list.

This might also help:

so, I’ve figured out how to do what a want. here is some advises:

  1. this eventGraph is from a character BP
  2. variable speed has been made inside animation bluprint
  3. input axis MoveForward is called from Input → Axis Events (its been made in Edit->Project Settings->Input->Bindings → Axis Mappings
  4. in order to see in real time how your variable is changing, you can right mouse click that variable inside eventGraph and select “watch this variable”
  5. then you need to hit play and select your character blue print in Debug Filter
  6. activate your main window in order to read input commands
  7. watch how your variable changing in Event Graph

you can set a condition on transitions in AnimGraph with that variable