Bug: FBX Exported from Unreal 4.10 Editor can't be imported to blender


I found a bug in the 4.10 Preview.

If you export a mesh from the Editor, the exported mesh can’t be imported to blender.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a new Project in 4.10 using the Third Person BP Template
  2. Select some static meshes (I’ve selected all static meshes in the Walkway Folder, see screenshot-001)

  1. In the Unreal Editor, export using File > Export Selected
  2. In Blender, im port using File > Import > FBX
  3. No object gets imported at all.

This is something what worked in earlier Unreal Versions (I’ve used 4.8.3 in my previous project). So I really assume, that’s a bug in the Unreal Editor. I’ve tested using both blender versions: 2.7.5 and 2.7.6.


As a workaround, I’ve tried using the Autodesk fbx converter, but the Autodesk fbx converter (2013.3) only generated a textfile with the content

Call to FbxImporter::Import() failed. Error: File is corrupted

Hello Robert42,

It looks like your file may have been corrupted either on export from UE4, or when being imported into Blender. As a note, we use the 2014 .FBX file version so this could be where the issue is occurring since you mentioned the 2013 converter.

Would you mind trying these steps to see if it resolves your issue?

  • Select a single object in a new blank 4.10 project. You can use the start content, just as long as it is a static mesh.
  • Export the mesh to your desktop or a location you can find easily.
  • Import the asset into your 3d modeling application as a 2014 file.

Let me know if this worked for you, or if you need further assistance.

Thank you,

Hello Andrew,

thanks for your answer. After upgrading to 4.10 Preview 2, I can’t reproduce this issue anymore. I it seems to be fixed. Yay :slight_smile:

After upgrading to 4.10 Preview 2, I can’t reproduce this issue anymore. I it seems to be fixed. Yay :slight_smile: