What is the best practice for communicating between an animation blueprint and a task

Hey! I’m trying to trigger an animation montage for an attack through a task in my behavior tree.

The montage consists of:

Charging up the attack->Looping it for a set amount of time->Performing the Attack (with a notify for when the attack should deal damage) → Returning to idle

My issue is communicating between the task and the anim montage, and I’m not sure what the best way to approach it is.

Ideally from the task side, I would trigger an event that exists in the animation blueprint called “chargeUpEnd” but this doesn’t seem possible

And then for the “deal damage” task notification, I’d like to communicate backwards from the anim blueprint to the task with another event… but again I can’t seem a way to call and assign events.

Creating and accessing variables in the pawn to communicate seems like an easy way to create a whole bunch of one off variables that would pile up quickly as more attacks are created based on types…

Should events be possible? or am I looking at this wrong?